The “Guardian Council”: what a vision taught me about the the role of religious clerics in the Iranian Government
Iran has only been featured in a couple of readings I've done. The last reading I did about Trump's claim that Iran was behind the attack on the Japanese Tanker. I saw on that reading that not only was Iran not responsible for that but that it was an operation likely undertaken between Israel, Saudi Arabia, with knowledge from the Trump administration.
The section about Iran starts at 1:05:35
Just click on the video above and it will start playing at the section about Iran.
When I looked into Iran and how they would react to Trump’s unproven claims, I saw that they were thinking long term and that they wanted to avoid war at all costs, because they knew it was all about getting to their natural resources. They also said in the vision "we survived Iraq" and we don't want something similar to happen again, which I later realized it must have been a reference to the Iran/Iraq war of 1980-1988.
When I thought of Iran otherwise - not that I knew anything about Iran beyond headlines - peace was definitely not a word that would come into my mind.
What stuck with me about this Iran vision was seeing a group of elders coming together to make important governmental decisions, gathering in a simple government office cluttered with greenish file folders, yellowing papers and a long communal table. This vision showed me the Iranian government has a group of elders debating and thinking deeply about government decisions. It’s as if they are part of the government but don't have an administrative function, as if they are cloistered otherwise but tasked with reviewing decisions, reflecting on them and counseling administrators on what decisions to make.
Even though we are construed by historical paradigms to be “enemies”, I sensed a nobility of purpose that felt sincere, truthful, and sharpened, over time, through study and life experience.
They think long-term and deeply about what their recommendations and decisions must be … and the strangest thing ... Even though I obviously have NOTHING in common with them outwardly speaking, I saw that they can have visions too. They do what I do.
They too, can close their eyes and see something beyond what is immediately visible. When I saw and sensed this, I felt a strange kinship, a sense of understanding. They too, can see the layer that exists beyond what is visible.
When they are making their recommendations to politicians, there is a mystical element that is infused into analytical decision making. It’s as if they had three modes of thinking they engage in: philosophy and dialectics and mystical thinking which then triangulates into the analytical application of these two systems. They apply philosophy, and mystical/religious concepts into specific concrete problems they are tasked with solving.
It was so interesting because before this, I’d only seen them as “dangerous” "religious fanatics". What I saw on my vision was very different.
They have a degree of vision and intellectual sophistication that is very different from what we think of when we think of Iran and Muslim clerics in general. When I think of any religious government I think of rigidity and hypocrisy, but from this perspective, it was almost as if they were monks. They seemed to live a simple life of quiet, intellectual and spiritual practice.
I am not advocating for Iran or the Iranian government nor am I erasing the facts about their human rights abuses, strict laws about female attire, harsh punishments for seemingly minor infractions, the imprisoning and killing of critics, nor am I saying that I would do well in their world. I just felt instantly that there is something admirable and lasting beyond what we know of them. Their human and intellectual side. I can respect them and admire their way of living, even if that is very different from my own.
Understanding and empathizing with them as people felt so much better than fearing them in willful ignorance. In spite of wars and division, there is a human element that connects all of us.
The day after this vision, I looked up information on how the Iranian government is structured and there a group that fits the vision I saw. They are called the “Guardian Council”:
This is the most influential body in Iran and is currently controlled by conservatives. It consists of six theologians appointed by the Supreme Leader and six jurists nominated by the judiciary and approved by parliament.
Members are elected for six years on a phased basis, so that half the membership changes every three years.
The council has to approve all bills passed by parliament and has the power to veto them if it considers them inconsistent with the constitution and Islamic law. The council can also bar candidates from standing in elections to parliament, the presidency and the Assembly of Experts.
On the video below, I discuss why I wrote this text, and why I recommend the “Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia” documentary.
After this vision I became curious and started doing some more research and came across this documentary from PBS called ""Bitter Rivals, Saudi Arabia and Iran" which I HIGHLY recommend.
I had seen in another vision the long history between the GOP and the Saudis and through this documentary I was able to understand why the Saudis have been allies of the USA historically and why Iran has been a long-term enemy of the USA.
It’s shocking to realize how little I understood about the Middle East.
As my visions started to show that the Middle East and Saudi Arabia especially plays a much greater role in the Trump Administration than we currently know, understanding the complexities of the Middle East, with its delicate boundaries, wars and factions became important.
The animosity between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the Trump Administration's reliance on Saudi money may tell us why Trump has demonized Iran from the very beginning. I just hope once truth comes out that it will not increase volatility in the middle east and the USA.
We are yet to see how this chapter will end but it's increasingly clear to me that we are so much more intertwined with the Middle East than we know and that what happens in America will greatly impact the future of the Middle East, and what happens in the Middle East impacts us as well.
I pray for peace. We are all connected and it's foolish and short-term-ist to believe otherwise. Without fail, sooner or later, consequences of wars come knocking.
An autism breakthrough?!! When scientific insights come up in private readings
A reading describes a breakthrough in the treatment of autism
When scientific insights come up in private readings
You may know me from my public readings related to the Trump era, but in private readings, I have come across interesting insights into medical issues and scientific research. To be clear, biology, medicine and biotech has NEVER been an interest of mine. But when it shows up in readings, it comes with startling clarity.
I can see specific areas of organs, organ tissue in close-up detail, like an advanced microscope, and I can also see how the person experiences this condition. How they see the world and what pains them.
One very recent reading I did was so interesting that I was psyched for several days afterwards, connecting dots.
A reading describes a breakthrough in the treatment of autism
The reading. Mark* booked a reading and said he had been watching my videos on YouTube for a while. He told me he was calling about his son who is 12 years old and suffers from autism. His son doesn’t speak or respond very clearly to parental attention. It was hard enough to communicate, let alone understand what he might be thinking, feeling, and what drives his behavior.
Fast forward to outcome. Right away, I saw an image of a young man in his early 20s in what looked like a university town, and what appeared to be graduate school. He had a girlfriend who was also in graduate school. They were talking to each other. Meaning, if he is 12 years old now, graduate school would happen about 10 years down the line. Basically, he will be speaking within the time frame of 10 years.
Walking backwards to now: seeing how the child perceives the world. Seeing the outcome means little until I can trace back to where the child is, today. Just the weekend prior to the reading, he kissed his dad’s forehead for the first time. This was a major milestone. What makes these simple interactions so challenging to the child?
Stepping back into the “today” mode, I saw how his son perceives the world, as if I was seeing everything with his eyes. I saw him looking out onto a house and a garden. Then the image he saw became pixelated. It transformed into a card with a grid of colors, meaning , when this scene enters his brain, it is read in binary terms, like data is. So everything that he experiences goes into his brain like a series of numerical patterns.
Processing life experience as a series of patterns. While we understand life and the world as a largely sensory experience, this autistic child understands the world as a series of patterns. Patterns that must be constantly processed. So when he is engaging with you he is constantly processing information. Sensory experience can be physically painful for him, because his brain enters into a “processing” mode that is painful and taxing. So he can’t process information ( an input function ) and express emotion or share information ( an output function ) at the same time.
Facial expressions are hard to parse. I saw the child seeing his father’s face and it was as if each specific micro-expression were read as a separate pattern. It did not feel clear to him at all. It was as if he was not able to tell that facial expressions were continuous. From his perspective, each micro-expression was recorded separately. The lack of binary clarity was physically taxing to him.
Active and Inactive areas of the brain. All of this processing of sensory information was happening in only one area, which looked like upper frontal part of the brain.
After I seeing the over-active area, I was presented the inactive area of the brain. It saw what I can describe as a close up of brain matter. It looked white ( as opposed to the its natural gray color ) to signify it has no activity. There is nothing happening there. The inactive area was located on the back of his head.
What the autism treatment looked like
Tiny battery-like devices. The next frame showed me the back of a teenager’s head with hair and everything, and these tiny dots that look like batteries, placed a in circular pattern, measuring something like 3mm each. A cluster of three. At First, they were inside the head, but not very deep, as if they were underneath the scalp, like some sort of scalp implant. Then I saw them now located externally, on top of his scalp, almost as if they had been glued there or something. They were hidden by his hair and could be worn unnoticed.
How these battery-like devices work. These tiny batteries were placed right above the brain section I first saw as being inactive. The batteries were placed there as if to “grow” these inactive areas. Analogous to how artificial lights can make indoor plants grow.
I saw that that once these inactive areas of the brain were stimulated with these low-grade electrical emissions through the batteries, 24/7, the inactive brain areas would grow, and once they grow, they would remove the processing weight from the over-active part of the autistic child’s brain.
Stimulating inactive areas of the brain. What they showed me reminded me of how when a person breaks a leg, the healthy leg will grow a lot to compensate for the other leg that is not working. Once the broken leg is healed, there is less burden on the other leg and it doesn’t have to grow to compensate the non-functioning leg. This is why it’s important to stimulate the areas of the brain that are inactive. Because only when inactive areas regain activity, can the over-stimulated, over-active brain areas lessen their work load.
Does it actually exist?!! So after I had explained all of that to him over the phone, I looked up “brain implant autism”. To my surprise, something similar existed, currently being used mostly for Parkinson’s disease. I sent him the link and said good bye, on the following day, decided to look into it further.
Is the big autism breakthrough already here?
“Can brain-stimulating implants treat some severe cases of autism?”
The next day I kept searching and found an article on Science magazine titled “Can brain-stimulating implants treat some severe cases of autism?“
As I started reading the article, I felt that the neuroscientist the article gave most of the space to, was not completely “correct” on his approach. He used electro-magnetic tools to cut down the over-stimulation in the over-active areas of the autistic brain. In contrast, the images I had seen pointed to using electro-magnetic stimulation on the under-active areas.
At the bottom of the Science article linked, I found reference to the “right person”. He is a professor at MIT. His name is Ed Boyden.
I clicked on the reference listed on the Science Magazine article and saw this illustration.
Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation Via Temporally Interfering Electric Fields
This is exactly what I had seen (stimulation onto specific areas of the brain, continuously, 24/7, via some sort of long-term or permanent insert).
I was so sure of what I had seen, and I was so convinced that it is the correct path, that I sent him a detailed message. On Twitter timeline I found the mention that his team’s patent had been granted [ see illustrations from the patent application below ] And as I looked at the patent application, I saw the same battery-like dots and the triangular cluster pattern. THAT’S IT!!!
It takes a while to go through the FDA but this is excellent news!!!