Coronavirus vaccine & 'normalization' timeline, vs Dr. Fauci’s projections
A couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with someone based in Florida who is in my group. She was asking me about large events in her area, connected to her profession. When will they have large events again, she asked. She lives near Naples, FL.
I did a month by month thing until I felt it would be gone. She was understandably upset and missing her grandchildren. I only saw her seeing her grandchildren who live in New York, on … EASTER. That’s right. Easter of 2021.
I told her I saw images based on her face wearing masks. When her mask was in place it meant the numbers were high and masks lowered or off meant the virus was gone.
This is the timeline for COVID infection waves.
JUNE 2020: High , mask on
JULY 2020: High , mask on
AUG 2020: Middle, mask lowered
SEP 2020: Low, mask lowered. Now in September, people will get excited and feel more confident which will then dramatically increase infection rates in October, November and December.
NOV 2020: High , mask on
DEC 2020: High , mask on. Sadly I do not think we will be able to travel to be with our families on Christmas, yet.
JAN 2021: Middle, mask lowered. At some point in January masks can be dropped by part of the population
FEB 2021: the remainder of the USA population will be vaccinated
MAR 2021: Life returns to ‘normal’
APRIL 2021: Travel and airline industry returns
Here’s why I told her. When I did month by month I saw that in January of 2021, reporters in her area in front of a nursing home saying something like now that the Coronavirus era is over, we can see the outcome and the deaths, who has survived.
Tonight I saw that Dr. Fauci made a similar projection. He thinks that vaccines could be ready by the end of the year. (Keep in mind that it would then take a while to fabricate, distribute and administer vaccine(s) to billions of people worldwide)
This is what I saw in terms of a vaccine. I saw that in January, there will be the distribution of vaccines country wide, and they will go to the elderly and the at-risk population at first. Then, in February, we will all be getting it. Only by mid-march will we begin to be able to have fully normal lives. Even then it will take a while for travel to resume. In the case of C., for example, she would have to fly to New York. The airlines would only recuperate and resume operations once the population has been vaccinated against it. So April really.
Coronavirus & why children don't get sick; salt inhalation as therapy for the lungs
Tonight I talked about the Coronavirus and I got more informationzzz about a potential way to alleviate respiratory issues. PS: Please note that this is not a "cure". I am not a doctor.
A couple of weeks ago, the information I got to the question as to why children don’t get sick with Coronavirus, was that children don't get it because growth hormone and the growth process in the lungs coats the lung mucus with something that prevents the virus from attaching itself to the walls of the lung, or the lung tissue itself.
My sense is CoronaVirus is different from Pneumonia of Bronchitis in that it attaches itself to the lining of the lungs, not the air passages.
But in order to "sink" its virus “legs” onto the tissue so it can reproduce and grow it needs to penetrate the mucus, the watery substance that coats our organs. In children this mucus is more potent and the growth hormone coats it with something specific that protects it. I saw that in children it is glistening and shiny. Almost as if it's too slippery for the virus to break through. it can’t attach itself to tissue directly.
In contrast, with older adult patients with weaker lungs, the walls are "crusty" sometimes, creating an environment that is fermentation-friendly, where the mucus itself is not as lubricant or able to protect the lungs' lining from intrusion. It's little moldy for the lack of a better analogy. It reminds me of the moon, some parts are darker than others, it's not even in color.
Then tonight I was saying that I saw inhalation, natural inhalation, which reminds me when I was very little my mom made me do it with Eucalyptus leaves. Then I wanted to look into it more and I kept thinking of how to kill this environment within the lungs.
Then I got "salt inhalation" and it sounded so strange and so I looked it up and it turns out it's a "thing".
( This article describes the history of "salt therapy" and some uses for respiratory conditions )
Back in the mid 1800’s Polish physician Felix Boczkowski conducted a study of salt mine workers. He found that they had much lower incidences of respiratory illnesses which he attributed to the inhalation of salt dust.
During World War II the salt caves in Germany became bomb shelters for citizens. Regular bombings of those areas led to an excess of salt dust being distributed into the air. Those that regularly took refuge in the mines reported that their respiratory problems were greatly reduced as a result.
I described on another article that salt can sometimes curb fermentation, when it came to cancer cells. [It turns out that cancer cells grow through fermentation more often than through oxygen]
In the case of Coronavirus it looks like salt inhalation could help reverse the environmental condition of the lungs that allows for the virus to attach itself to the lung walls. It does not mean you can kill the virus, but potentially it means you could at least help your body make the lung environment less virus-growth-friendly. Because you can inhale it directly into the lungs, it can have a direct effect onto lung tissues.
PLEASE TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT (no pun intended) since I am not a doctor and I am not claiming this to be a cure. It’s just something to help clear out your lungs.
UPDATE SUNDAY MARCH 15, 2020: After I wrote this I ordered a salt inhaler and have just started using it. It’s a little strange, it’s a dry inhaler (!!??). I’ll update again within 30 days to let y’all know how it felt after 30 days. Several commenters mentioned their experiences using it and it appears to work well for them.
Sending long-distance energy treatments & how cancer cells grow
I had an appointment to the other week to meet up with someone I have known for a while. She wasn't feeling well so she canceled. I’ll call her Olivia on this story, but that is not her real name. I crossed off her name on the text messages I share here, to protect her privacy.
The text exchange the describes what happened.
Last time we spoke, she had told me she was going through some health issues. This time, she gave me more details. It was metastatic breast cancer. That means cancer may have spread to other parts of the body.
Below are the screenshots of the messages we exchanged.
I discuss how I have used long-distance Reiki treatments to “treat” her and what I have seen regarding how cancer cells reproduce and grow.
I. Cancellation
When I got her text I immediately offered to send her energy. The news felt heartbreaking to me even though we didn’t know each other well. This brought me back to an experience I had in the past, when I treated a friend, a former professor from art school, and I could feel the energetic changes on her body, as I was treating her in person. Although I had been using energy loosely speaking in some current phone sessions related to health, I had not really formally used long-distance Reiki. I wanted to help her in any way I could.
II. Reiki Pillow
This is a Reiki pillow. I don't often talk about my past on my videos. But when I was in my early 20s I took Reiki I and II courses with Pamela Miles .
The other day, after realizing I had used long-distance energy in some sessions related to health, I got a great Reiki book that worked as a refresher. One of the things they talked about was using pillows for long-distance healing. And that is what I started doing. I made my own small pillow and added a label with her name on to use it every time I sent her energy.
Once I got her OK and permission to send her energy I started the process.
PS: To be clear, what I describe here is more than Reiki; if you get Reiki treatment with other practitioners you will likely get the feeling of well-being and re-balancing and description of energetic balance and imbalance. However this level of seeing and detail that I describe below is not a function of Reiki training but other intuitive skills I use alongside Reiki.
III. Two different sessions
So I did two 10-minute sessions and got distinct impressions which I shared with her. These sessions were timed because I felt it was important to keep track of any changes in her condition.
On this first go, I had doubts as to whether I should tell her everything I had seen. She had not asked me for this information, it just came to me as I focused on the question, “why is she tired and how can I direct energy so that it can improve her well-being”?
I figured there must have been a reason and decided to share with her anyway.
So I told her what I saw: there was something in near her throat, close to her thyroid and then in her lymph nodes. I had seen a third spot elsewhere but decided against saying something in case that was TMI.
IV. Cell reproduction through fermentation
On my videos I always emphasize the importance of questions. Specific questions help focus and strengthen the power and specificity the answer.
The question “why is she tired and how can I direct energy so that it can improve her well-being”? was on my mind.
Cancer cells reproduce uncontrollably. In that case, we would have to stop these cells from reproducing, meaning. “How do these cells reproduce” and then, “how could we kill these cells and stop the from reproducing”.
The detail was so specific that I could see how these cells reproduced.
They reproduced and grew, just like dry yeast does when you make pizza dough. There was dark brown bubbling. In microscopic size. This looked like fermentation.
V. The Lymph node microenvironment
Then I asked how to kill these cells (energetically speaking) and I got “salts” and the image of baking soda (aka sodium hydrogen carbonate ). I often use it baking soda with vinegar to clean my bathtub so it looks like the salt/acidic environment could kill them somehow.
After seeing this with great clarity I did some research and saw how cancer cells in the lymph nodes often reproduce through fermentation, which is what I saw through the image of dry-yeast-like bubbling.
[ Source ] … the majority of glucose molecules taken by cancer cells (66%) are metabolized through fermentation [[8]], a process that is ten times faster than full glucose oxidation.
Subsequently I found out that researchers that are studying how synthetic molecules could transport salt into cancerous cells to kill them.
Hopefully the cure is closer than we think.
Aren’t jellyfish beautiful?!!
VI. Like an orchestra of tiny jellyfish
Another interesting element of what I saw, was a group of cancerous cells next to the group of healthy cells.
The cancer cells were darker and larger in size but smaller in terms of the entire tissue; the healthy cells were smaller, more uniform and compact and appeared translucent; they reminded me of jellyfish, if jellyfish stayed in one place and didn’t have little jellyfish legs.
After treating the healthy cells I saw a difference. I saw how the healthy cells were now moving, just opening and closing. When I first looked at the lymph node healthy cells in the process of cancer cell reproduction through fermentation, healthy cells had been static, as if they had been asleep.
After the energetic treatment, I could see how healthy cells now moved very differently.
Before, healthy cells were still, as if they had been asleep. Now, they are fully “awake”.
I got the distinct impression that as cancer cells reproduced they gave off a byproduct, like a gas or a scent, that put the healthy cells to sleep. This byproduct “fooled” healthy cells into a state of immune-system inaction, thereby lowering immune resistance to cancer cells. This process lowered the immune system in the lymph node microenvironment, making it “friendlier” to the growth of cancer cells.
Now that healthy cells were “awake” I could see the difference. Their movement reminded me of a tiny jellyfish orchestra, each cell opening and closing in unison.
VII. Confirmation
At last, I used this information to project the light in specific ways that would help remove the unhealthy cells.
Next I sent Olivia the texts you can see here.
I heard back from her. She confirmed exactly what I had seen in terms of locations of cancer tissue and not only that, she also said she felt much better. And at the end of the day, that is what matters. That she feels better.
VIII. Tracking treatments and making notes
After sending her energy on the first few days, I started using an app called Tyme to keep track of the exact times i send her energy. As soon as the short session is done, I add notes. We’ll see, over time, how these changes materialize from my perspective and her perspective.
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that I do not have medical training and that what I describe here does not substitute in any way, traditional medical treatments and that I am not in any way claiming to offer “cure” to cancer in any shape or form. What I offer here is two-fold: 1. an energetic treatment that increases well-being and 2. intuitive insights into what may be happening on a person’s body on a micro and macro level.
Rosie, Medical Medium & Lucy, the baby who survived a fire.
In past year I got to know a surprising side of my “intuitive” abilities. I seem to have the ability to “see” into a person’s physical body. The images I see have a great clarity and precision, showing, for example, symptoms and how they manifest in internal organs; interactions between organs; electrical signals and neurotransmitter activity from the brain onto specific organs.
In addition, I see the connection between these physical symptoms and seemingly unrelated traumatic event(s) that are often the root cause of these symptoms.
Biology and anatomy had never been an interest of mine, making this all the more surprising. In the course of this “discovery” I have been taking notes just so I can explain what I have learnt and what I have been told.
For some reason, I have come across people with chronic ailments that are often hard to pinpoint. Coincidentally, they have survived early, often forgotten, life-threatening accidents where similar symptoms first appeared. This pattern points to early events shaping and altering our brains in ways that we are only beginning to understand.
This is the story of Lucy* ( name used to protect her privacy).
Lucy: the baby who survived a fire.
How Lucy and I first connected
Lucy joined my Patreon group a few months ago.
We were talking one time on the phone and she was telling me she can't really walk outside because she suffers from Chronic Pulmonary Obstruction (COPD) and Asthma.
She only has 40% of her breathing capacity, and can’t go for walks outside due to her pulmonary issues.